Are you done with the war against your body?
Are you tired of holding yourself back for fear of rejection?
Are you done dampening down your voice, your thoughts, your opinions?
Are you exhausted from frantically moving through the world worrying what everyone thinks?
Perhaps the Wild is calling you…
No, not the wild out there…the Wild within.
The dormant one.
The parts of your psyche, soma and soul that have been rejected by society.
Slooooowly pushed down by the tendrils of conditioning.
Relegated to the deep dark caves and crevices of our inner world.
Out of sight…and devastatingly out of touch.
Signs and symptoms of this fracture are visible within our people-pleasing, our fawn responses, our lack of instinctual intelligence, our self-abandon. The nauseating conformity, our fear of our authenticity, our dis-trust in ourselves, our lack of power, presence and knowing. And the life-sucking, pleasure sapping, earth-killing scared-less reality bubble we find ourselves stuck in.
Such a tragedy. So much untapped feminine power.
And pleasure.
And heart.
And yet,
She churns and rumbles below the surface. Haunting us with a gaping emptiness. Or slipping through the cracks in the surface in unconscious and distorted ways.
Like a craving you can’t quite satisfy. A thirst you can’t quite quench.
On a quiet day, if you dare to slow down, you may even feel her whisper.
Her restlessness.
Restless to be known. To take you deep down into the core of yourself. Into the sacredness of the blood and life that pulses through your veins.
She’s the one we put in a cage, when the world teaches us that our Wild doesn’t belong.
She’s the one we bury when we are taught we are too much. Too feral. Too strange. Too sensitive.
She who has been controlled, conquered and colonised.
My love, she sees how you choose unhappiness over uncertainty?
Are you exhausted from all the pretending?
Are you haunted by a feeling deep within your bones that want something more, something deeper, something so fucking real and raw and blow-your-heart-open alive?
Then perhaps, you are hearing Her call…
And She’s not out there…She’s buried in the depths of yourself.
She is your animal body.
Your soul.
The Wild Woman in you.
The source of your Feminine power.
Your Eros.
Your ferocity.
Your vitality.
Your world-changing creativity.
Too many women live out their entire lives having never lived at all.
Having never (re)met with their wild ways.
Many turn away from her. Many ignore her. Mostly because they fear her power.
Many can't bear to let go of the old stories and structures she will inevitably ask of us.
She waits for you..
Waits for that moment when the penny drops, the mask splits, the disappointment descends, the glass shield around the heart finally shatters into pieces. Either way, you can't quite take anymore of the bullshit!
She waits for you.
In your coming home.
You remember her…
Katy Kettner