Marked by the breath of
Her Love
Tossed into the chaos of full blown dis-integration by
Her hands.
Spun into disillusion.
Shattered to pieces by
Her penetrating heartbeat.
Held at rock bottom in
Her womb.
Stripped to nothing in
Her dark coven.
All to be born again.
Don’t resist the fall.
Let it take you under.
Let it unravel you and all your petty illusions and perceptions of control.
Let it bring you to utter terror and despair.
For it will bring you closer to yourself.
Your light.
You will unbecome everything you thought you were and had to be.
And it will feel like you are being ground to dust. Beaten to a pulp.
Left barely breathing.
But, as you breath,
As you stay with the shattered.
The collapsing of the walls around your heart.
As you brush your cheek up against the shards.
Get right into the thick and heart of all that is falling away and all that you are losing and have lost.
And trust that you CAN feel it all.
You will eventually stumble, battered and bruised, into a great surrender.
Upon which
You will feel
Closer than ever.
Deep in the depths of letting go.
She’s right there.
Her tender voice as she calls you deeper into life.
Deeper than you could have ever imagined.
With eyes sharper than ever.
Senses wide-open.
Desires pulsing. Alive. Aroused.
Instincts as sensitive as a freshly cut wound.
Womb, awake.
Heart, big and tender.
Breath, conscious.
Body, receptive.
Intuition, refined.
Voice, found.
Your pain is a portal of potential.

Katy Kettner
Katy Kettner